BP Portrait Award 2013

Last year was my first visit to the BP Portrait Award exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery in London. I was so impressed by the artwork on display that I wanted to make it a regular event in my diary.

I do enjoy getting inspiration from looking at work created by others. Hopefully I don’t fall into the trap of producing something too similar to the work I have seen.

Seeing the winner Pieter by Susanne du Toit in the flesh, my first thought was that the colours are much cooler in real life than they are reproduced on the internet or in print. Compared to last year’s winner I do prefer Auntie by Aleah Chapin.

It always amazes me how some of the art is so photo realistic. Most notably so were the works by Hynek Martinec and Daan van Doom.

Walking away from the exhibition there is so much I can take away from it. It was also nice to see young people there in what I am assuming as part of the Next Generation project getting involved with art.

As for my personal favourite, well let me think…
There are a few I like…
I think it has to be Self-portrait with Lace Collar by Sophie Ploeg.

Don’t take my word, go see it for yourself and choose your own favourite. It is open until 15 September 2013.

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