Half Time

It has now been half a year since I started this site and I thought it might be a good opportunity to look at what I have achieved at half time and where I want to take this.

When I started this project, it took some time to consider the type of images that I wanted to produce which would push me beyond the routine.

With cameras now being so common it is quite difficult to make something unique of the landscapes around us. Besides, there are the extra dimensions to landscapes which a photograph can never reproduce. The scale, sounds and even scents of a location are what landscapes are about, and there is no substitute for being there in person.

Still life is a bit too pedestrian for me, so the human form seemed the perfect subject.

Looking back to the beginning, I think I was too wrapped up in the outer shell of the human form. As this journey has progressed, capturing a part of someone’s personality has interested me the most.

All of us are unique. We have different life experiences and skills that nobody else has on the planet.

Some of the books that I have reviewed here over the last six months show images in which, to me, the person is turned into an object. And when I say person it is invariably a woman. What I don’t know is if there is a direct correlation between images that objectify women and equality in Western society. What I do know is that I do not want to be a part of perpetuating that inequality.

This project has always been about working with a blank canvas and seeing what turns out. I’m looking forward to the next six months.

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