Two years on


Another 12 months have passed by in a flash. Only being able to work on this project part time means the actual number of hours I spend is relatively small. But the precious time I have spent, I hope has been spent well.

So what have I learnt two years on? I’ve been surprised at discovering how complex and fascinating portraiture can be. On the face of it, it looks so simple but the simplicity is the mask of how complex people can be.

The people who have been in front of the camera and location owners have been a really wonderful group of people to work with. It has been a real pleasure in finding and working with them.

As the days and weeks tick by the more I see that a great photograph has the ability to tell a compelling story. What that story is can only be made by the person behind the camera. Equipment and technical knowledge help you create the image but without the story it is just an empty picture.

The truth is that I’m still figuring out what my message is, what I really want to say. And it is the challenge that excites me the most.

Two years have passed and there is still so much more to experience. Would I do anything different if I started this project today? The answer would have to be yes, but that is what learning is all about.

With so many different possibilities and avenues still to explore, I’m really excited to be starting my third year.

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