BP Portrait Award 2015


I had every intention of going to see this years BP Portrait Award however other things meant that what was going to be a quiet day in the office turned out not to be.

For the time being I will enjoy the catalogue I purchased from the National Portrait Gallery during one of the short lunch breaks I had this week. And with fingers crossed I will be able to take a leisurely trip around the exhibition soon.


2 JULY 2015 I have probably said it before but worth saying again, the artwork submitted to the BP Portrait Award really does need to be seen in the flesh rather than viewed online or in a printed publication.

One of the works that stands out physically is Charlotte and Emily by Leslie Watts. The frame that surrounds the piece makes it different from everything else around it and makes the work almost like a three dimensional sculpture. It reminds me of the Victorian miniatures in their cases but with a very modern twist.

An unusual take of the portrait is Daniel Coves’s Back Portrait no.8. You don’t often see a portrait in which the person’s face is not visible.

There is something quite touching and dignified in what would be an awkward situation of My Mother, My Sister by Grace O’Connor in which the daughter helps their parent in the shower. You know when you have grown up when you no longer can rely on your parents for their care but they have to rely on you.

I’m not 100% convinced that the nice nude study of Anwen by Anne-Christine Roda really does question your idea of beauty and the power of women in 21st century Western society. What does question your idea of beauty is Ugly – Portrait of Robert Hoge by Nick Stathopoulos.

As for my favourite it has to be A Silent and Inconsequential Victory by Dani Trew. That is mine but go and choose yours. As it is on until 20 September and also it is free entry there is no reason not to.

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